Virgin news by Virginia

Something For The Boys

That title usually refers

to something the girls give the boys and in a certain sense that is what I mean here, but not in the usual way.

We TVs start out as men with a very frustrated yearning inside to wear pretty things. In the early stages we ration- alize this with the arguments that we like the color, soft- ness, perfume, decoration, etc. and that the peacock is prettier than the peahen so why shouldn't we be and so on. While this is all true, as we develop further and become what I have named femmepersonators we move out of the semi-fetishistic area into one in which we begin to talk of "the girl within" and of our femme selves. The more we enter into this dual existance the more fasci- nating it becomes and the more it draws us to go fur- ther.

It is in this stage that some individuals who are really TV and FPs at heart began to go overboard with touches of what might be described as the "senior class complex." I'm sure we can all remember when we were seniors in either high school or college. We began to look forward to the next jump ahead and to yearn for graduation day when we would get our diplomas. At the same time we began to feel a little condescending to- ward those lower than ourselves on the academic ladder,